Sunday, December 12, 2010

my new favourite word

Im pretty much in love with this word at the moment. According to Hallelujah has a couple of meanings however the one which I most associate with it is an exclamation of praise or joy. Now so far as things go in my book, an exclamation of praise is always met with joy; praising and worshipping makes me joyful; not merely happy, but deeply content in my soul, mind and heart.

This word reminds me when I am getting weighed down with the pressures, worries, or sadness in the world, that there is a reason and a purpose for my being here, that I need not fear for my life is being commanded by the best leader of all time. When I am reminded of this it is all I can do but shout Hallelujah.

Christmas is certainly a time to be made aware of the grace and guidance of our God. For fucks sake he sent his only child to live amongst us, teach us, love us, and die as a sacrfice for us all!
Christmas marks the time that we were eternally forgiven and considered worthy. I will be proclaiming Hallelujah always, but especially at this time.
We always seem to get caught up with the other aspects of christmas; the hastles of organising family get togethers (agony), determining the best gift, organising christmas eve rehearsals, decorating the house...however what we should think when complaining about all these labourious tasks, is why we do them. We gather with family to celebrate this joyous time, sing Hallelujah and share love and gifts together. We give gifts to show our love and commemorate this precious time of year, we decorate the house to reflect the joy our hearts should be filled with and we rehearse and perform christmas services and events to share that joy with others.

Atleast, that is the mind frame we should have. And as a brilliant song named "Don't save it all for christmas day" states we really shouldnt only do these things at christmas; "don't save it all for christmas day, find a way, to give a little love everyday". We should every day chose to proclaim Hallelujah, share the love and joy and be content, however Christmas is a time to share this with more people and be ever more proclaiming, loving and joyful. Atleast that is what I will endeavour to accomplish!


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