Sunday, July 25, 2010


So Ive drafted about seven point four blogs in the last couple of weeks and never really got to the posting point! That ends today! Ima gonna keep it short and sweet but I just have a couple of things to say.

Firstly reading my book on the train this chilly morning I stumbled upon yet another great quote. Paul Hoffman writes "no one of real intelligence will accept anythng just because some authority declares it to be so, dont accept the truth of anything you have not confirmed for yourself"
I like this because it addresses a key issue in today's society. Too many people take what they hear, from adds or the grapevine as fact, without taking the time to investigate its validity. I for one like to know things for myself, and believe that those who do take the time to investigate will improve overall society, and perhaps improve quality of life!

Finally on a far happier note, a good friend of mine has a favourite word, namely 'jubilant'. Jubilant means showing and expressing triumphant joy. I love this word, and am working toward showing jubilation in everyday, because lets face it, we've been given an incredible blessing in this life!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

writers' block

Over the last week or so since I last blogged Ive started about six blogs and published niente! I thought perhaps I had a variation of writers' block, until I realised that considerations is just me publishing my thoughts in an orderly fashion...I certainly havent stopped thinking :P I think perhaps I have been considering my considerations and not posting things that I dont think I should say....very unlike me really!

To that end I have ridded myself of this kind of thinking and am back on track!

I am so incredibly tired....I think I need a break...thankfully CLW is next week and guess who has a week away from everything!! I DO I DO!! to top it off I was lucky enough to be asked to join the band, so baring any throat worries, Ill be given the honour of helping our campers worship. Worship is my favourite totally pumped!!

Anyway Id best start my dreary work day
peace out