Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Man's bane; God or Man?

I often complain at the level of intelligence in today's society. I often feel the liberation of sex has lowered the necessity for people to engage one another on an intellectual level. Sure people talk to one another, but formulating opinions, of things that matter, has fallen a little by the wayside. I die a little inside every time I hear someone say that they don't care about the election; like my vote makes a difference. Not caring about the issues of life carries a heavy cost in my opinion.

When people do care about this world, such as when a natural disaster (or three are we up to now?) occurs, all they can do is point the finger of blame. Poor God and I suppose the gods, get a lot of hate when things go wrong today... but according to the lengthy and eloquently versed "The Odyssey" by Homer, man has been pointing the finger of blame to the sky (or the ground if they think its Hades' fault) for eternity.
Part of the verse in book one, admittedly the only book I've decided to read at this point, the classics take a toll, really struck the chord of what I have been contemplating;

"Oh how falsely men,
Accuse us gods as authors of their ill,
When by the bane their own bad lives instil,
They suffer all the miseries of their states,
Past Our inflictions, and beyond their fates"

We blame God when things go wrong in this world. But the way we live, treat each other, treat the world, and think is the true author of the ills of the world.

When looking for someone to blame, look to yourself, or better yet, question why you are bothering playing the blame game when you could be considering a solution instead. The miseries of the world increase ten fold when one trys to find meaning and the guilty party.

God gave us the freedom to act as we wish; we take the freedom, but fail to realise the consequence, until it comes baring down on us.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the commencement of the forty day diet!!!!!!!

So, yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which is preceeded of course by (Shrove Tuesday) Pancake Day!
This means everybody that we should all be giving up that delicious yet oh so not nutritious food that we cannot abide without, and why not do it for lent??


Lent, in my humble opinion is supposed to be about remembering when Jesus spent forty days in the desert, being tempted by the devil, not drinking or eating, but preparing for his final showdown and ultimate triumph over the devil. Therefore, for me, lent is about remembering what Jesus did for me, and preparing my heart for the power, majesty and joy that is Easter. In my opinion its not a good excuse for a diet. If you dont know why you are giving something up, dont!

I applaud those who do put to themselves to give something up for lent, to experience, in however minute a form, the self-denial and sacrifice that Jesus experienced over that forty days. However this crazy pop-culture that has sprung up about the forty day lenten diet drives me wild!

Its likely that I should give up being such a pompous ass who judges too freely for lent, that would be a case of serious self-denial. But I fear that as it means nothing or too little to too many people, my desire to do it is limited at best.

Perhaps we could use this as a conversation starter with non-christians, or atleast individuals who dont really get what it is all about. This holiest time of the year is a time for self-reflection and wonderment at the ultimate sacrifice and love we all have a part of.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Metaphorically wonderful

Cant really be bothered blogging one of my epics this fine evening, Im tired and its a beautiful night for sleepy ponderings that are absent from a computer's glare or a pen's ink stain. And this beautiful metaphor I hae to share speaks so perfectly for itself, I need not weigh it down with my mutterings and musings.

This metaphor is wonderful in its traditional meaning; it fills one with wonder. From Les Miserables, the genius, Victor Hugo, either by quote or his own work, states this:

"The pupil dilates in the night, and at last finds day in it, even as the soul dilates in misfortune, and at last finds God in it"

Often it is at our weakest and most despondent, when we cry out in anguish over what has befallen us, when our soul is bare and we search for reason, that God comes to us. Yes the tough and sad times are awful, one never wants to go through it, but God is found in the most unbelievable of places.
Our souls seek Him like the pupil seeks the light, and like pupils and the light, our souls need only dilate to the point that God can enter and shine his own light on our situation.


Monday, January 17, 2011

READY, STEADY...................................arent they supposed to say GO at some point?

So the last few weeks Ive been feeling a little unfufilled. Its truly appalling for me to say something like that; I have family that adore and are adored, I have friends whom are never short of whatever I need, be it a laugh, an insult, a hug or a reality check!, I have an income, atleast for the moment and I have passion. Too much passion if that were possible sometimes. I wonder what it is like to not have an extensive opinion 0n something. If I know what something is I have an opinion on it, its instantaneous, and Ill passionately argue my opinion, usually to the fury, amusement or wonder of my 'oponent' in my head, in reality 'converser'. Still I guess to be over-filled with passion is better than to be void of it; I am passionately incensed by those with no passion, to me it is to have no care for life if you have no passion. It would seem I care a shit-load! And yes that is a technical term for quite a significant amount!

So anyway back to the point; Im feeling a little unfufilled. I have just spent the last sixteen years of my life, and Ive nearly clocked up twenty-one years round the sun, should be getting a free trip soon I should think, studying, learning, going to school and doing assignments. I loved, hated, was infuriated, cried and laughed during these sixteen years. Most importantly, particularly during the later years and especially at uni, I developed a purpose. I started to guide some of my untamed passion into a focused area; the juvenile justice system. That is my Everest. It is my goal to work in this area, and make a difference. I feel like the path Ive taken, or been led on, has brought me to this conclusion; my passions fit perfectly with this field. I have so much heart for improving access to justice and trying to help juveniles caught up in the justice system. And now, a brag worthy fact, I have a Bachelor of Justice and Society to prove that Ive got the knowledge to work in this area.

Ill admit I havent flogged my guts out. Ive been lazy, Ive been frustrated with the sheer stupidity of some of the assignments and stupid uni rules relating to them. However each assignment has improved my reasoning and logic and occassionally I learned something new, which is suprising for a know it all like me!

In terms of an analogy it seems like the last twenty-one years of my life have been preparing and training for the great race of life. I trained, I practised and I got ready and steady. Ive been applying for jobs, written countless cover letters, wrote about how amazing I am over and over. Im poised on the track, ready to leap off and run my heart out for God, for his purpose, to fufill his plans, and use my unbridled passion to better the disadvantaged. But for fucks sake they wont shoot the damn gun!

I guess, Ive still got a little more training to go, I certainly dont want a false start. So until then Ill keep doing what Im doing, training and practising for when that gun is finally shot.

And its good to know that many racers before me have been poised at the starting line waiting for the gun. Here once again patience is a virtue, one that I may just possess by the time my gun gets shot!

Peace (hopefully for me too)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ooooh get excited first blog of the new year, 2011. It sounds ridiculous to say that today's date is the second of January 2011....I still maintain it is only august 2010! Ive probably been heard saying that a lot lately, but I really and truly cannot fathom where the last six months of my life has gone! I myself have often said that time is not tangible and you cannot really grasp the concep of it moving along, but I am extremely frustrated at my lack of understanding how we are in January of 2011! That being said there is far too little point to pondering it further as here we are on the second of January 2011 whether I like it and can believe it or not.

Today I am blogging about a few different thoughts that have been brewing for the last few weeks...strike that the last week! In an incredible contradiction to my previous comment I cant believe that christmas was only eight days ago! Firstly, this thought is brand new having only just entered into my mind when experiencing everybody's favourite occasion; a blackout! As I lay on my bed and read the introduction to 'The Orthodox Heretic" to which I cannot wait to sink my teeth into by the by, I was struck by this thought that it is quite possible that the greatest thinkers up to today will never ever be surpassed by future thinkers. One would suppose that with greater technology and knowledge, available at a button press, the world's great minds would become infinitely greater. However my wonderings have led me to believe that perhaps the future will only produce 'good' minds. All this technology is extremely beneficial and extremely distracting! Having information a mouse click away may be brilliant, but COD and sims 3 are only a mouse click away too, and Im embarrassed to say which I select most frequently!

Another brewing thought came from my delightful latest read "Les Mis`erables". Heard of it?? Its a frequently viewed and read text; a social commentary by the brilliant mind of Victor Hugo. I have only read about thirty four pages at this point, distractions and lack of train rides are to blame for this, as it is far more exciting than Moby Dick and only slightly harder to read than The Secret Supper, my last novel completed. Anyway I have already stumbled upon some particularly genius literary comments at this point.
On page 18;
"Man has a body which is at once his burden and his temptation. He drags it along, and yields to it."

and page 25;
"Have no fear of robbers or murderes. Such dangers are without, and are but petty. We should fear ourselves. Prejudices are the real robbers; vices the real murderers. The great dangers are within us. What matters it what threatens our heads or our purses? Let us think only of what threatens our souls"

Its hard to decide what to respond to these words. It is so simple and yet so profound. Our souls are forever begging the pardon of our bodily temptations. And whilst I do think it may be wise to worry for being robbed in this current social climate, it is true that the greatest robber, enemy, assaulter and murderer any of us will meet will be ourselves. We all ruin many an opportunity for knowledge or treasure when we judge and are tempted.

Here is to more moments of the sublime amongst my reading, and perhaps amongst my blogging!
