Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Metaphorically wonderful

Cant really be bothered blogging one of my epics this fine evening, Im tired and its a beautiful night for sleepy ponderings that are absent from a computer's glare or a pen's ink stain. And this beautiful metaphor I hae to share speaks so perfectly for itself, I need not weigh it down with my mutterings and musings.

This metaphor is wonderful in its traditional meaning; it fills one with wonder. From Les Miserables, the genius, Victor Hugo, either by quote or his own work, states this:

"The pupil dilates in the night, and at last finds day in it, even as the soul dilates in misfortune, and at last finds God in it"

Often it is at our weakest and most despondent, when we cry out in anguish over what has befallen us, when our soul is bare and we search for reason, that God comes to us. Yes the tough and sad times are awful, one never wants to go through it, but God is found in the most unbelievable of places.
Our souls seek Him like the pupil seeks the light, and like pupils and the light, our souls need only dilate to the point that God can enter and shine his own light on our situation.
