It seems that of late, my ponderings have dwindled. Many an occassion has come to pass, with me staring at this window, typing nonsense sentences before deleting them ruthlessly. I always have too much to say, but for a time now it has seemed that I havent had anything to blog about.
I went to see what is rapidly becoming my favourite musical tonight. Godspell is a work of genius; it portrays everything that the people of this world need; jesus' teachings in a modern day setting. So many times in life, we get ourselves into a position where all we see is despair...if we could recall some of what Jesus' taught we would be infinitely happier.
The music in it is also rather awesome, it is irritatingly catchy, however as it is full of tips on how to survive and enjoy this world, its alright!
♫Day by day
Day by day
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly
Day by day♪
good stuff there!
Peacem Ill leave you with this gorgeous picture from the Falkland is apparently in memory of a guy who led an expedition to antartica....kinda works, I mean as christians we use the cross to remember Jesus who led an expedition to the unknown aswell!

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