Monday, October 18, 2010

turning up the positivity

It may come as a shock to some, but I really am a negative person.
I have faith in people and the world and democracy and maintain a positive outlook on life, I dont have the time or the desire to be sad, particularly about things I cannot change.
However, in my observations of people, indeed in my communications with people, I tend to have a sharp tongue quick to point out fault. I genuinely mean to do this out of love to my friends and family, its all about improvement!
However it really does not improve anyone's life to suggest that the lady on the tram yesterday with the red and black hair looked like she had spiders all over her head! I dont know her and thinking those thoughts really only makes ME bitter.

So Ive decided to try and exert a little more positivity, just personally... I wouldnt want to shock anyone! Yesterday amidst the noise and monotony of work I managed to write at least another poem, at most a potential song...who knows what Ill achieve today...It may just be as simple as not rolling my eyes at the nutters in my philosophy tutorial!

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