Monday, November 1, 2010


My computer got a virus and nearly died, and has been resurrected by my amazing father. It still is rather sick though; the lack of soundcard recognition really limits the things I can do with it! The greatest issue with my sick computer is that I cant make any new playlists.

I am more than a fan of music; music speaks to people in ways that nothing else can. Music is a passion of mine, it combines words which I love and melodies which course through me like blood through veins. Music can change people.
Anyway as I have no ability to make a new playlist to my satisfaction at present, I have been listening to artists. Some of the albums on my ipod have the most amazing lyrics. I am continually blown away by the realness of Thirsty Merc, Lowrider, Bethany Dillon and Queen, to name a few.

I encourage you to grab your music player of choice and listen to your favourite artists, and really listen to what they are saying to you.

Lyrics can speak to people in a truly unique way. They are inobtrusive, poignant and real. At least the artists I listen to have lyrics has such!

I am leaving you now with something beautiful from Thirsty Merc:

Life is life
Pain and joy are all part of it
Why ask why
Just to be alive is
Such a gift

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