Wednesday, June 30, 2010

intolerable and impatient

This blog is sparked by a hilarious conversation with my father! I was talking to him about my day and mentioned that once I would have included patience as a virtue I possessed, but that now I had very little patience. My father said, verbatun: "I was going to say, I wouldnt have described you as patience, nor are you tolerant. In fact Id go as far as to say that you are impatient and intolerant! Very amusing honesty from my father ... completely true of course!!!

In other news, on monday I bought myself a t-shirt which says "not all who wander are lost". I love this greatly as quite often I wander around, but Im certainly not lost, I have a compass that never fails, and I dont even need to point it north!
Oh and Im currently running on about two and a half hours sleep thanks to watching Eclipse at 12:30 this morning, so tolerance and patience levels are at an all time low!!!

Ciao Ciao

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