Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the commencement of the forty day diet!!!!!!!

So, yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which is preceeded of course by (Shrove Tuesday) Pancake Day!
This means everybody that we should all be giving up that delicious yet oh so not nutritious food that we cannot abide without, and why not do it for lent??


Lent, in my humble opinion is supposed to be about remembering when Jesus spent forty days in the desert, being tempted by the devil, not drinking or eating, but preparing for his final showdown and ultimate triumph over the devil. Therefore, for me, lent is about remembering what Jesus did for me, and preparing my heart for the power, majesty and joy that is Easter. In my opinion its not a good excuse for a diet. If you dont know why you are giving something up, dont!

I applaud those who do put to themselves to give something up for lent, to experience, in however minute a form, the self-denial and sacrifice that Jesus experienced over that forty days. However this crazy pop-culture that has sprung up about the forty day lenten diet drives me wild!

Its likely that I should give up being such a pompous ass who judges too freely for lent, that would be a case of serious self-denial. But I fear that as it means nothing or too little to too many people, my desire to do it is limited at best.

Perhaps we could use this as a conversation starter with non-christians, or atleast individuals who dont really get what it is all about. This holiest time of the year is a time for self-reflection and wonderment at the ultimate sacrifice and love we all have a part of.

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