Sunday, September 5, 2010


I thought of something during Reality this evening....when pondering self-security and other topics I realised a crucial point.
One of the hardest things to except in life, is that it isnt really about you, me...oneself.

Its a hard thing to realise because, well being ourselves we cant help but think its about us...however sometimes it really isnt. We are part of something so much more than just us...this world, country, community. And we were made for so much more than just us. Its kind of empowering in its own little way...freeing to know that we are not the be all and end all of us. Remembering that is sometimes a little tricky.
If we could do that we'd certainly save ourselves a lot of heart-ache...we always seem to think about other people in terms of how they make us feel. However if we for once thought about them in terms of the world not ourselves....I think there'd be less problems.

I certainly doubt that we'll ever be able to achieve that however its nice to see if itll happen!

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